GAC Membership

Membership Information
The membership year at Glenrothes Aeromodelling Club runs from the 1st of January to the 31st of December.

NOTE:- Trial flights can be obtained before joining , by prior arrangement.

Membership Fees 2023
There are two membership categories …
Junior members - £10.00 per year
Junior members should be under 18 years of age on 1st January of the subscription year to qualify.
Adult members - £61.00 per year

GAC Membership Application
The GAC membership Application Form can be downloded
Word format Here
PDF format Here
Please fill in the form and email to the secretary. Fees can be paid into the GAC Bank details below and are also in the form

GAC Bank details for paying fees are HERE

Please used the contact form in the contacts page of the website to send a message to the secretary requesting membership or to obtain any further information you may requre.
Alternatively, please visit the flying site . You will be most welcome .

In addition to club membership, all pilots and trainee pilots are required to have valid flying insurance before being allowed to fly or given flight instruction. Flight insurance must be gained through one of the following …
• Scottish Aeromodelling Association (SAA) £40.00
• British Model Flying Association (BMFA) £49.00

The Club Constitution and Rules may be downloaded via the download page any these documents should be read before completing your application.

All applications will be considered by the club committee and applicants will be advised ASAP so the membership process can be completed . Fees are required to be paid to the treasurer once you are accepted and do not need to be included with your application .